Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.

Congratulations to Lion Mike Potter in being awarded the Mlevin Jones Felowship Award for his service to our Community,Club and Lions International.

This is the highest award a Lion can receive from their Club

47th Charter Dinner. 2024

This year the Dinner was held at Tynedale Rugby Club, who together with their wonderful catering and bar staff made it a very pleasurable and enjoyable event.

We were pleased to welcome our District Governor Gillian Swann and her partner Jon.

During the evening she presnted the highest award a Lions Club can make, to its members or other organisations.This is the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. (He was the founder member of Lions International.)

The two recipients of the award were Lions Mike Potter and Johnathan Hill.

New member .

Welcome to our new Lion, Hellene Dolder. We are so pleased to have you in our dedicated pride.

Lion President Julia welcomes Si Bullen to our club.

We wish Si many happy and rewarding years with us.

Our new President .

Our new Lion President Julia receiving her chain of office from Past President Steven Forster.

We wish her a happys and successful Lons Year.

Beer Festival Beneficiaries. 2022

At The County Hotel we were proud to present our three beneficiaries with their cheques.

The photo shows from left to right Maureen Armstrong from The Peoples Kitchen, Lion Steven Forster our President, Bruce Howorth from the Hextol Foundation and Cathy Bates from Tynedale Hospice at Home.

Each charity received received £7,000 thanks to the generosity of all the people who made the Tynedale beer festival such a success this year.